A direct cremation is an alternate, more flexible option with no service at the crematorium. People often wish to “do their own thing”, holding their own memorial service at a time, date and location of their choosing.
All the practicalities can be arranged by us without any fuss, leaving those grieving free to say farewell how, where and when is right for them.
Funerals have long been the most popular way to celebrate the life of a loved one and mourn their passing, but people are increasingly seeking out more affordable options such as direct cremation. The body is collected and cremated immediately after death, rather than waiting for a viewing or funeral to take place beforehand. There are no family or friends present at the cremation and the body is typically cremated in a simple casket. The ashes can be returned to the family if requested.
An additional charge of £50 will be added for removal outwith office hours .